Aug 7, 2009

State Alliance for e-Health issues HIT exchange guidance

The State Alliance for e-Health issued new guidance on Tuesday for state health information exchanges.

The executive-level organization, composed of governors, state legislators, attorney generals and state commissioners, included information on how states can lead the way in using health IT as they begin instituting the federal Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act.

The HITECH Act, enacted as part of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, expands the role of states in fostering health information exchange and adoption of electronic health records over the next five years.

“Governors understand that swift and thoughtful action is needed at the state level to plan and implement a national system of health information exchange,” said Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen, co-chairman of the alliance. “Widespread adoption and use of electronic health records provides a critical foundation for improving health outcomes and cost-effectiveness.”

The report recommends actions states should take now to qualify for the HITECH Act, including:

* Preparing or updating the state plan for HIE adoption;
* Engaging stakeholders;
* Establishing a state leadership office to manage the different phases of HIE implementation;
* Preparing state agencies to participate;
* Implementing privacy strategies and reforms;
* Determining the HIE business model;
* Creating a communications strategy; and
* Establishing opportunities for health IT training and education.
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