Dec 30, 2011

Why Business Transcription Essential for Business Communication

Do you record your business conversations?

If not, here is why it is all important that you have an audio recording of your business communications. Thanks to the opening up of global trade regulations and the influx of outsourcing, more and more businesses have a presence across the globe. And most business deals, pacts and partnerships are more often than not conducted and agreed on a transatlantic phone call or a video call.

A recording of your conversation is not an added advantage but mandatory to avoid disputes and lawsuits later on.

Why is a recording essential?

A recording of your business communication is essential as it is not humanely possible to remember every word you uttered during a business call! A recording of all your electronic business communication serve as a legal proof and can also prevent you from shelling out time and dollars, trying to remember or debating over, trivial issues.

It doesn’t take an expert to figure out that, most brilliant ideas and suggestions, made at the conference room hardly make their way to employee’s desks! An audio or video recording can be a smart way of making sure that, that interesting idea gets implemented rather than remaining a vague memory few weeks later.

Confounded about the ethicality of the issue?!

“I usually record all my sales meetings, board meets, presentations, conference calls and when I listen to the recordings later, I feel like an eavesdropper or a seedy secret agent” says Mr. David who runs an advertisement firm. But the fact of the matter is that recording conversations has become a necessary evil in the business set up. If it makes you feel queasy, know that arguing about a conversation you had is certainly not a very pleasant or ethical option either.

Wondering if it’s legal in the first place

It certainly is, but the regulations and laws change from place to place, and recording telephonic business conversations comes with a whole baggage of legal ramifications. There are some states that require the consent of all people involved in a conversation like California, Washington, Nevada, and in some states like Alabama, New York the consent of one person involved in a telephonic conversation is enough.

It can get a little confusing (not to mention scary) if you make a business call from New York to your vendor in California. Legal expert’s advice to get the express consent of all parties involved in the telephone call if you don’t want to risk being on the wrong side of federal wiretapping laws.

Business Transcription Outsourcing - Accurate Business Transcripts

Organizations with in-house business transcription services might often find it expensive to maintain office staff for the purpose. Transcribing business proceedings involves a lot of time and effort. A professional business transcription company can help in this regard, by providing quality business transcription services to help organizations organize their transcription processes.

Business transcription services are available for clients from various industries such as financial, retail, advertising, automotive, packaging, healthcare, technology, media, education, medical, transport, and more.

Major Benefits of Outsourcing

Listed here are some of the benefits of outsourcing business transcription services to business transcription companies.

  • Experienced and well-trained team proficient in business communication is at your service

  • Quick turnaround time

  • Save money as well as valuable time

  • Reduce infrastructure investment

  • Stringent quality assurance processes

  • Accurate and efficient services

  • Time zone differential gives customers access to 24/7x365 workdays

  • Free trial offer

  • Capability to work on a number of file formats

Transcription Services for Diverse Business Processes

Business transcription outsourcing services include transcriptions of meetings, conferences, seminars, boardroom discussions, interviews, annual general meetings, shareholder board meetings, focus groups, teleconferences, computer desktop dictations, lectures, speeches, press releases, mobile dictations, employee surveys, insurance claims, forecast meetings, business meeting recap, training session and group discussion.

What you have to do is simply send the audio and video files to your business transcription serviceprovider.Thecontent for business transcription is received from any source including standard/micro cassettes, DAT, VHS, audio files, (.wav, .vox, .dss, and .mp3) and the Internet.

Business transcription outsourcingcompanies will convert the audio visual content into ready-to-publish transcripts in the format of your choice. To ensure the accuracy of business transcripts, the completed transcripts are re-verified, proofread and reviewed. Once the process is complete, the transcripts are sent to the customer via email or FTP or in any other manner preferred by the customer. Foolproof security and confidentiality of the data is ensured through stringent security measures.

To make sure that you get accurate business transcripts, business transcription companies are equipped with an excellent team of transcriptionists, proofreaders, quality analysts, and editors. Their expertise and state-of-the-art technology helps to deliver professional business transcription services. Their command over English language and business terms, their comprehension skills, time management skills and capacity to listen to every word ensures clients quality business transcripts.

Getting accurate business transcripts has become easy now. Today there are many professional business transcription companies that provide consistent, accurate business transcription services on time, and at competitive pricing.

This article was originally posted at


Dec 8, 2011

What is Clinical Data Mining?

Clinical Data-Mining (CDM) involves the conceptualization, extraction, analysis, and interpretation of available clinical data for practice knowledge-building, clinical decision-making and practitioner reflection.

Clinical data can be obtained from various sources like Medical Transcript Files and Electronic Medical Records (EMR). We can create a new Clinical database which accumulates large quantities of information about patients and their medical conditions using these two sources.  Relationships and patterns within this data could provide new medical knowledge.

Importance of Clinical Data Mining:

  1. In Year 2010 more than 30 million people were treated for life threatening diseases. Cancer and Heart Disease are few of them. Identification of early signs of cancer and heart disease is possible and can save thousands of lives. Analyzing a database of thousands of patients which can provide valuable information about the probable causes, nature of progression, etc., can help in developing systems that could identify disease at the earliest signs of occurrence leading to timely treatment and preventive techniques.

  2. Every year, new guidelines come out regarding the usage and the dose of different drugs. Sometimes guidelines show some drugs taken in combination can produce adverse effects.  The latest example of the same is :

  3. June 8 2011, the FDA came out with new guidelines for the use of simvastatin, particularly noting specific combinations of medications that are now defined as "contraindicated" with simvastatin at any dose.

    Using this knowledge database we can find the patients taking those contradicting drugs.

Approach of Clinical Data Mining:

The process of Data Mining is divided into four phases: i) Data Collection ii) Pre-Processing iii) Data Parsing iv) Application of Knowledge

Clinical Data Mining

  1. Data Collection:  Clinical Data of any patient is stored in two Different formats. i) Medical Transcript File (contains 25 to 30% of information) ii) EMR (contains 75-80% of information).In this phase, each patient information of transcript file and EMR is mapped.

  2. Pre-Processing: To get accurate output from the parser, the input document needs to be in Clinical Document Architecture (CDA). So in pre-processing phase given input document is converted into CDA format.

  3. Data Parsing: Pre-Processed Data is parsed into a single structured format. Here negation, Snomed Codes, Rx-Norm Codes, ICD-9 Codes, Body Measurements, Drug Dosages, Smoking Status and Allergies are detected.

  4. Application of Knowledge:  Using this knowledge we can create a new Database, and querying the database can be useful in medical research and in improvement of patient healthcare. For-example we can query:

    1. What is LDL laboratory level?  Is it below 100?  Do they also have MI (history of heart attack)? If so is LDL less than 70.

    2. If EF < 40%, needs 2D Echo and 3D Echo

    If EF still remains < 40%, needs EP Level 4

    If EF < 35%, needs AICD

About ezDI

The Company is one of the leaders in business intelligence and healthcare analytics that aim at improving the quality of services in healthcare and reducing costs. The company offers integrated solutions with a single data feed, and increases the industry’s speed, accuracy, flexibility and value overtime.

For additional information, please visit .

Dec 3, 2011

Importance of Transcriptions Services in Businesses

Transcription is nothing but a process of transcribing, which involves the transforming of data from one format to another. The process of data transformation can involve transcribing audio into text format, hard copies into digital format, from video files into text format.

In businesses, transcribing process plays a very important role. It helps entrepreneurs to have a documented text format of various video files and audio files of the company. And, in the video data transformation, it also allows people to hear its audio version perfectly and convert into a written format in consistent manner. The organizations into businesses can outsource their transcription work to the companies with experienced and highly trained professionals called data transcriptions.

Transcription Services are available in a variety of formats. In order to come up with a perfect and error-free copy from the files, the service provider makes the use of customized and optimized software that helps the professionals in carrying out the work successfully. Here, the professionals are required to listen closely to the audio transcripts or review the hard copies carefully and type out the data simultaneously. The entire process of transcribing is carried out with an aim to convert spoken language source into a written or printed form.

With increasing globalization, Medical Transcription Companies from offshore countries offer very seamless and cost competitive transcription services. Apart from it, the transcription company also gifts several benefits to the organization seeking transcribing service.

First, its benefit is clearly palpable through its cost saving process. Outsourcing data transcribing services certainly helps in reducing the overhead costs of the company. At the same time, it also decreases the costs associated with payroll and benefits expenses significantly.

Two, it allows the company to achieve growth in skills and expertise. If a company outsources its transcription works to the offshore service provider, it certainly receives superior practices, skills, jobs and technology that are employed in the work processes. It also provides an access to ownership workflow systems, process re-engineering skills, and productive staffing and delivery models, combined with state-of-the-art technology delivered by experts.

Lastly, transcription services allow the organizations to focus more on its core business goals and objectives. It also enables companies to avoid capital expenditures to a greater extent. With an idea of outsourcing the transcription work, the company does not need to recruit more in-house professionals for transcribing and this relives them from the responsibility of maintaining training a dedicated staff for that purpose. While with the outsourcing of transcribing work, the accountability and control costs are transferred to the service provider.

So, go for the services that help in saving money along with effort, thereby giving you growth in the business.

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