Apr 30, 2011

Federal Grant Program Geared Toward Rural Health IT Adoption

The Health Resources and Services Administration at HHS has announced it will dole out $12 million in up to 40 grants to help rural hospitals and physicians meet meaningful use criteria, AHA News reports.

Under the 2009 federal economic stimulus package, health care providers who demonstrate meaningful use of certified electronic health records can qualify for Medicaid and Medicare incentive payments (AHA News, 4/28).

Grant Details

The grants will be distributed through the Rural Health IT Network Program to rural health care providers who work in formal alliances, coalitions, networks or partnerships (Barr, Modern Healthcare, 4/28).

The grant funding can be put toward:

  • Buying health IT equipment;

  • Developing strategic plans; and

  • EHR training (AHA News, 4/28).

The grant synopsis said that after finishing the grant program, "a network should have completed a thorough strategic planning process, business planning process and have a sound strategy in place for sustaining its operations."

This article was originally posted at http://ping.fm/xNcyw

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