Jan 7, 2010

Meaningful Use ? Interim Final Rule Published

The HITECH Stimulus Act is legislation designed to promote the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) among physicians. Passed near the beginning of 2009, the HITECH Act will reimburse qualified physicians who purchase and implement a certified EHR system. If a physician’s practice includes 30% Medicaid patients or more, they could qualify for up to $64,000. Medicare incentives could total up to $44,000, depending upon allowable charges.

“Meaningful Use” is a core concept of the HITECH Stimulus Act. Physicians must do more than simply seeing a certain amount of Medicaid or Medicare patients. “Meaningful Use” outlines a set of EHR features that physicians must use in their practice. On December 30th, 2009, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) along with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) published a final recommendation for the meaningful use definition.

Meaningful use is broken up into several stages. In Stage 1, physicians will have to use features like Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), implement drug-to-drug, drug-to-allergy, and drug-to-forumlary checks, and maintain an updated problem list with ICD-9 or SNOMED, along with a whole host of other requirements. For the most part, the final recommendations look much the same as the initial recommendations from the ONC committee earlier in 2009. The final recommendations will take effect in approximately thirty days; the public is encouraged to comment for the next sixty days. CMS could decide to change the recommendations before final adoption, but most think any changes will be minor.

Deliberations over the meaningful use definitions created a great deal of uncertainty in the EHR market. Most physicians put their buying plans on hold, rather than taking the chance of purchasing an EHR that may not meet the requirements. While caution is understandable, physicians who wait too long may have trouble implementing an EHR in time to qualify for the 2011 reimbursements.

Purchasing an EHR is not like buying off-the-shelf software. With all the vendors, systems, and options, it normally takes several months to make a purchase decision. Once they sign papers, physicians may need to wait up to six months for installation to begin because of vendor backlogs. After installation, physicians and their staff still have to train, which can take weeks for more complicated systems.

Fortunately, the wait is over. CMS and ONC have published their final recommendations. EHR vendors are busy making sure their systems meet the meaningful use requirements. Likewise, physicians need to get busy with their EHR search. Physicians need to make a decision as soon as possible to qualify for 2011 and avoid increasing vendor backlogs. If you are interested in participating in the HITECH Stimulus, ask an EHR vendor to perform a needs analysis for your practice.

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