Jul 20, 2009

Obama, Biden Call For Prompt Healthcare Action

The AP reports President Obama “returned to campaign-style rhetoric on Thursday,” saying at two New Jersey events that “inaction is not an option” as he urged supporters “to push for his overhaul of the nation’s health care system.” ABC World News, which opened with the story, called the President “a man on a mission. Everywhere he goes these days, he’s pushing healthcare reform.” The AP reports Vice President Biden was also touting reform, joining Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at a forum in Virginia.

The Politico reports, “On the defensive over the economy and health care, the White House is shooting back with a double-barreled message for its critics and skeptics. To Republicans who say the stimulus isn’t working: Back off. To moderate Democrats wary of health care reform: We’re watching you.” Bloomberg News, however, reports Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus “complained…Obama is ‘making it difficult’” to create a bipartisan compromise in the Senate. Baucus said Obama’s “opposition to the idea of taxing health-care benefits is ‘not helping us.’” The Hill reports Baucus and other senators emerged from “another intense day of closed-door negotiations” to “admit they had not reached the finish line.” Baucus said, “We’re very close to reaching agreement. By close, I mean it’s a matter of couple, three or four days, maybe.”

Sen. John McCain said on Fox News’ Your World, “The President has reiterated time and again his commitment to getting through before the recess. This thing is like a fish in the sun. If you leave it out there very long, it’s going to begin to smell very, very badly to the American people. That is why they are in such a rush to fundamentally affect one-sixth of our gross national product.”

USA Today reports that three tax increases “proposed by President Obama and House Democrats on the richest Americans could produce the highest tax rates in a quarter-century.” About 500,000 taxpayers earning $1 million or more would pay a full 5.4 surtax under one plan; surtaxes at lower rates would impact anyone earning more than $350,000 per year. Obama’s February budget “calls for letting tax cuts for top earners enacted at the beginning of the decade expire in 2011,” and during the presidential campaign, Obama “favored bolstering Social Security by subjecting family income above $250,000 to the 12.4% payroll tax.” Read More EMR Stimulus Package

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