May 27, 2009

Health IT program needs ID management

Privacy becomes an issue with electronic health records

The Obama administration’s drive to implement electronic health records (EHRs) should have strong identity management tools to ensure privacy and security of the records, members of a panel of providers, vendors and policy experts said today.

The coming health information technology policies and standards are to include protections for patient privacy and security and safeguards against medical identity theft. Achieving those goals could be advanced by identity management tools, such as strong authentication standards and smart cards, according to panelists at an event in Washington today organized by the Smart Card Alliance and the Secure ID Coalition. Both groups represent vendors of identity management programs.

For example, patients checking in to Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City are assigned a smart card that contains their photograph and a digital summary of recent clinical information. By delivering the information to doctors providing care, the card helps improve care and reduce medical errors. The card also has proven to be critical in reducing fraud and identity theft, which in turn decreases errors in payments and in patient care, said Paul Contino, vice president of IT at Mount Sinai.

“If you don’t catch the errors at the registration desk, you will see dramatic effects downstream,” Contino said. “If you are going to spend money on health IT, you need the right identification standards.” Without strong ID management, care records are likely to have errors because of false identities, misspelled names, duplicative names and other problems. Even a single error, such as a wrong blood type listed on a patient’s record due to a mix-up with another person’s identity, can lead to catastrophic consequences for a patient, he said.

Congress approved spending $17 billion in incentives for doctors and hospitals that install and use health IT systems as part of the economic stimulus law. The Health and Human Services Department is drawing up standards and policies to distribute payments to providers who can show meaningful use of health IT. HHS also is setting up a framework for secure exchange of the health data and the department’s national coordinator for health IT on May 15 released a road map for creating the standards and policies under the stimulus law.

One standards will involve controls on access to patient records. The leakage of private medical information can affect a patient’s employment, housing and insurance status, and because of that extreme sensitivity, medical information requires more than a password for secure handling, said Michael Magrath, director of business development for North America for Gemalto Inc.

“Health information exchanges and regional information exchanges will be targeted by hackers,” Magrath said. “I have strong concerns about the prospect of minimum standards,” such as passwords alone. Identity authentication standards for receiving medical care and handling medical data should require a password and also use of some type of identity token or certificate issued by a third party, he said.

Ideally, patients would be in charge of — and would have complete access to — all of their health records, said William Yasnoff, managing partner of the National Health Information Infrastructure Advisors consulting firm.

“Who has your complete medical records? For most people, it’s no one,” Yasnoff said.

May 26, 2009

Plan Outlines Medicare/Medicaid Incentives

The Department of Health and Human Services has released the outlines of the program to offer Medicare and Medicaid incentive payments for meaningful use of electronic health records systems.

The payments are authorized under the economic stimulus law. Medicare incentives to eligible hospitals will start in October 2010, HHS has clarified. Medicare incentives to physicians, as well as Medicaid incentives to physicians and hospitals, will start in January 2011.
Plan Outlines Medicare/Medicaid Incentives

Maryland law will allow state to put stimulus cash toward electronic health records

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley will sign legislation Tuesday that provides incentives for health care organizations to implement electronic health records.

House Bill 706 allows the state to make use of federal stimulus dollars available for electronic health records and coordinate those efforts with the state’s own plan to create a state wide health information exchange.

The federal stimulus money provided $19 billion toward electronic health records. State health officials do not know how much of that money will flow to Maryland.
Maryland law will allow state to put stimulus cash toward electronic health records

E-prescription boost for 1,800 hospital beds

The UK’s largest rollout of a hospital electronic-prescription system is nearing completion in Birmingham.

The ePrescribing and Medicines Administration (EPMA) system will manage medicines for the more than 1,800 hospital beds at Heartlands, Solihull and Good Hope hospitals, as well as their take-out prescriptions.

The system includes access to the Multilex Drug Data File database, which allows clinicians to check how drugs will interact with each other, potential duplicate therapies and allergies that can be triggered by certain medications.
E-prescription boost for 1,800 hospital beds

May 25, 2009

Health IT program needs ID management

Privacy becomes an issue with electronic health records

The Obama administration’s drive to implement electronic health records (EHRs) should have strong identity management tools to ensure privacy and security of the records, members of a panel of providers, vendors and policy experts said today.

The coming health information technology policies and standards are to include protections for patient privacy and security and safeguards against medical identity theft. Achieving those goals could be advanced by identity management tools, such as strong authentication standards and smart cards, according to panelists at an event in Washington today organized by the Smart Card Alliance and the Secure ID Coalition. Both groups represent vendors of identity management programs.
Health IT program needs ID management
The New Medical Transcription Scenario

The New Medical Transcription Scenario

The challenge for any medical transcription company is to enable a seamless coordination of medical care. This coordination can be provided by electronic system of medical records. This system enables seamless transmission of medical data from one doctor to another. If incorporated this system helps to provide coordinated, safe and cost effective care.

An estimated 1% to 7% of the patients have a medication error during their stay at the hospital. The medical records provide a foundation for a support system that enables a check on these kinds of errors.
The need of the hour for the transcription companies is to evolve around the electronic medical record system. Also, the companies need to understand their position in the current day scenario and also learn where they are moving to in the future.

Maryland requiring health plans to offer EMR incentives

Maryland has approved a bill making it the first state to require commercial health plans to offer doctors incentives for adopting electronic medical records.
in 2011, when physicians adopt EMRs, health plans will have to pay them higher reimbursements, pay out a lump sum incentive or offer in-kind services that have financial value. This ties in with the state’s timetable for getting physicians online; by 2015, physicians who don’t adopt EMRs will face penalties.
Maryland requiring health plans to offer EMR incentives

May 21, 2009

Bill Supports Grants For Digital Medical Records

Rep. Bryan Cutler Proposes Using $25M In Stimulus

LANCASTER, Pa. — The use of electronic medical records could become more widespread in Pennsylvania if new legislation passes.

Rep. Bryan Cutler, R-100th district, is introducing a bill that would create a grant program for health care providers to implement the health information technology.

The systems used in parts of Lancaster General Hospital and some of its doctors offices put a patient’s medical records in one electronic chart.
Bill Supports Grants For Digital Medical Records
Medical industry pins hopes on IT funds

Medical industry pins hopes on IT funds

Former Gov. Mark Warner said sharing medical records among providers will improve care and reduce costs.

By Sarah Bruyn Jones
With nearly $20 billion in federal funds about to hit the world of health care information technology, Virginia’s health sector and political leadership are trying to prepare to capture their share of the money.

The money is part of the federal stimulus bill signed by President Obama in February and is intended as a financial incentive to get the health care industry to embrace using electronic medical records. Still, the timeline and details of how the money will be distributed have not been finalized.

“This represents a big leap forward for health technology, so we are excited about it,” said Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources Marilyn Tavenner. “We just want to be positioned to take maximum advantage of it.”

State of Indiana Holds Leadership Position in Electronic Health Record Growth

SHELBYVILLE, Ind. – Few would question that dramatic change in the U.S. health care arena is well on the way. With billions of dollars on the table to fund systemic change in critical records management and other aspects of service delivery, what will American health care services look like a few years from now?

Health care reform champions have long complained that secure IT systems exist where consumers can pull out cash from an ATM anywhere in the world. That said, patients today often can’t so much as transfer from one clinical floor to the other without filling out multiple duplicate forms about their medical histories. In the past, some medical records have been lost, misplaced or misfiled too often sometimes with devastating results.
State of Indiana Holds Leadership Position in Electronic Health Record Growth
State of Indiana Holds Leadership Position in Electronic Health Record Growth

Outsourcing Medical Billing

In the past few years there is a dramatic change in the medical field and its treatment. Initially, while processing the insurance claims there are many administrative difficulties during the preparation of insurance policy procedures and dealing with complicated claim forms. To overcome with these obscurity doctors look out for outside help, and hire representatives to advise them, attend information about insurance company seminars, and provide them with regular clear financial reports.

This is process is called as medical billing outsourcing. Outsourcing Medical Billing acquire a profound working knowledge of the technologies and processes that are decisive to successful Business Process Outsourcing and afford a absolute scale of Back Office Outsourcing services in the areas of Medical Billing, Claim Adjudication, Call Center and Financial service. The most of the physician time is saved by means of medical billing outsourcing process. So that, physicians can much more concentrate on curing their patients. A medical billing firm will have the knowledge and experience technocrats to take care of all the medical billing issues. It makes free the other staff to concentrate on other aspects of running the practice which leads to added security to finance and transactions
Outsourcing Medical Billing
HIPAA Compliant Medical Transcription

HIPAA Compliant Medical Transcription

Various healthcare settings in the United States including hospitals, clinics, long term acute care centers and healthcare centers are on the lookout for HIPAA compliant medical transcription service. To meet their requirements, top-quality, professional service providers offer medical transcription services that observe all the rules stipulated by HIPAA. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is the standard for electronic exchange of patient data in audio format into written text format. HIPAA compliant medical transcription ensures total confidentiality of patient data.

Comprehensive Transcription Solutions Maintaining Excellent Standard

An HIPAA compliant medical transcription company offers services in preparing a wide range of medical records including clinic notes, office notes, x-ray reports, operative reports, history and physical reports, letters, psychiatric evaluations, emergency room notes, consultation notes, discharge summaries, pathology reports and laboratory reports.

Professionals in these companies meet the medical transcription requirements of any facility utilizing state-of-the-art equipment, software technologies and techniques. To compete in this field, most providers make use of the services of highly skilled and experienced medical transcriptionists. In order to ensure 99% accuracy of the medical records, the service providers have in-house proofreaders, quality analysts and editors.

The Role and Relevance of Medical Transcription to EMR Adoption

Ambulatory EMR adoption is an endemic national concern. According to a survey conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine only 4% of respondents have a fully functional EMR (with order-entry and clinical-decision support capabilities) and 13% have a basic system.

The U.S. healthcare system initiative to develop a national electronic health record (EHR) infrastructure by 2014 aims to successfully share and exchange health information and support personal health records for all Americans. When ambulatory healthcare organizations are unsuccessful in adopting electronic medical records (EMR) technology into their practices, interoperability for health information exchange (HIE), personal health records (PHR) and a national EHR will be limited.

In a recently published Speech Recognition Adoption White Paper written by the Medical Transcription Industry Association (MTIA) and the Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI, formerly AAMT), a great deal of emphasis was placed on the role medical transcriptionists must continue to play in driving a successful national EHR. In summary, the paper indicated that though many EMR and Speech Recognition technology providers have taken aim at medical transcriptionists (MTs) as being a costly and obsolescent part of healthcare documentation, the limits of EMR and speech recognition technology (SRT) are being significantly complemented by the work of MTs in cases where solution providers and savvy healthcare organizations have recognized the value of the relationship between technology and MT “knowledge workers”.
The Role and Relevance of Medical Transcription to EMR Adoption
Maryland law will allow state to put stimulus cash toward electronic health records

Maryland law will allow state to put stimulus cash toward electronic health records

Washington Business Journal - by Julekha Dash Contributing Writer

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley will sign legislation Tuesday that provides incentives for health care organizations to implement electronic health records.

House Bill 706 allows the state to make use of federal stimulus dollars available for electronic health records and coordinate those efforts with the state’s own plan to create a state wide health information exchange.

The federal stimulus money provided $19 billion toward electronic health records. State health officials do not know how much of that money will flow to Maryland.

Economic Stimulus? Get Going on That EMR Selection Now!

By Rosemarie Nelson

The economic stimulus bill (the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, or ARRA) provides incentive payments up to a maximum of $44,000 per physician over five years for “meaningfully using health information technology.”

Although we don’t yet have definition of “meaningful use,” we can be pretty sure doctors will need to be e-prescribing, exchanging information electronically, and reporting clinical quality measures.

Rather than wait for that definition, start your EMR selection and implementation project now. And start it with an educational demo.
Economic Stimulus? Get Going on That EMR Selection Now!

May 19, 2009

A Brief Guide to Stimulus Act Funding for Health Information Technologies

Scott N. Wolfe

A major focus of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus Act) that President Obama signed in February is to improve the quality and expand the scope of health information technology in the United States. One of the central goals is to develop a nationwide health IT infrastructure and transfer all Americans’ health records to electronic format by the year 2014.

Under the Stimulus Act, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT) received a $2 billion appropriation to achieve these goals. The funds will remain available until expended; however, the law requires that certain portions of the funds must be allocated to specified groups. ONCHIT will be advised by two policy committees comprised of members from the various sectors of the health-care industry. ONCHIT is charged with a number of oversight activities, including the development of uniform health IT standards to allow interoperability among diverse health IT systems. “Making the electronic health records dream a reality will depend upon the successful development of uniform HIT standards,” said Andrew Gantt, a partner in the Health Care and Life Sciences Group at the Washington D.C. office of Latham & Watkins. “This is critical to ensuring that multiple electronic health records technologies are able to communicate effectively with each other.”
A Brief Guide to Stimulus Act Funding for Health Information Technologies

May 18, 2009

Outsourcing Medical Billing

In the past few years there is a dramatic change in the medical field and its treatment. Initially, while processing the insurance claims there are many administrative difficulties during the preparation of insurance policy procedures and dealing with complicated claim forms. To overcome with these obscurity doctors look out for outside help, and hire representatives to advise them, attend information about insurance company seminars, and provide them with regular clear financial reports.

This is process is called as medical billing outsourcing. Outsourcing Medical Billing acquire a profound working knowledge of the technologies and processes that are decisive to successful Business Process Outsourcing and afford a absolute scale of Back Office Outsourcing services in the areas of Medical Billing, Claim Adjudication, Call Center and Financial service. The most of the physician time is saved by means of medical billing outsourcing process. So that, physicians can much more concentrate on curing their patients. A medical billing firm will have the knowledge and experience technocrats to take care of all the medical billing issues. It makes free the other staff to concentrate on other aspects of running the practice which leads to added security to finance and transactions.
Outsourcing Medical Billing
The Stimulus Bill and Meaningful Use of Qualified EHRs / EMRs

The Stimulus Bill and Meaningful Use of Qualified EHRs / EMRs

By now you’ve heard about the $850 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment act of 2009 - the stimulus bill recently passed by Congress. The bill is aimed at spurring economic growth across multiple industries by way of government spending.

What’s in it for you?

Well if you are a healthcare provider, you can take advantage of the $51 billion that has been allocated to the health care industry, $19 billion of which will be used to incentivize medical practices to adopt and implement Electronic Health Records (EHRs), also known as Electronic Medical Records (EMRs).

Money on tap for electronic health records

Stimulus funds would help replace paper medical files.

By Kristi E. Swartz

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Hurricane Katrina illustrated what can happen when medical records are on paper instead of stored on a computer.

They washed away, rendering thousands of people unable to get prescriptions, notify doctors about allergies or receive medical help.

“We have to bring our best technology to bear in the health care system,” said Dr. David Satcher, former U.S. surgeon general and director of the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine.
Money on tap for electronic health records
Texas State to keep electronic medical records

Hospital records at Mercy Medical Center going digital

President Barack Obama has decreed that all medical files be electronic by the year 2013.

Mercy Medical Center Merced is ahead of the game by about four years.

By next week, the local hospital will have all its medical records on computers. Loretta Stuart-Edgerton, director of the health information department, said that with the old handwritten charts, data were input by hand and could only be looked at by one person at a time. ...
Hospital records at Mercy Medical Center going digital

What You Need to Know If You Are a Medical Practice Considering Outsourcing Your Billing

More and more medical practices are outsourcing their billing which has become a viable business option due to rising operational costs, declining reimbursement rates and an increase in the cost of technology that is required if an in-house effort is pursued.

In short outsourcing can dramatically improve a practices financial results and allow them to gain operational efficiencies if the correct vendor is selected for outsourcing.
What You Need to Know If You Are a Medical Practice Considering Outsourcing Your Billing

May 15, 2009

May 13, 2009

Medical Transcription and Voice Recognition

Medical transcription (MT) assignments are one of the highly acclaimed outsourced jobs in the healthcare industry and are mainly aimed at enabling US and UK based healthcare providers to have cost-effective solutions in maintaining day-to-day patient records. In the competitive healthcare arena where medical facilities are finding it difficult and expensive to maintain their own in-house transcription facilities, having these jobs outsourced spells huge savings in cost and effort. All major medical transcription service providers are now offering their medical transcription and voice recognition services in a highly customized and time-bound manner.
Medical Transcription and Voice Recognition

State feeling good thanks to healthy stimulus funds

Care for uninsured, electronic records receive cash

The $4 billion in federal stimulus health care money headed to the Bay State over the next three years will help provide care for those who can’t afford it and - it is hoped - help stem hemorrhaging health care costs by funding new technologies.

The bulk of the health care stimulus funding - some $3.5 billion - will keep most safety net programs afloat with Medicaid/Federal Medical Assistance Percentage funds.
State feeling good thanks to healthy stimulus funds

Should ?Meaningful use? include connected devices?

e-Patient Dave (right) while on a panel at Health 2.0

As is well known by now, part of the federal stimulus package included $19 billion for electronic medical records (EMR) implementation — and part of those billions include incentives for physicians and hospital groups that implement EMRs by various deadlines. Of course, the implementation also has to meet a criteria referred to as “meaningful use,” however, the legislation purposefully left out just what “meaningful use” meant.
Should “Meaningful use” include connected devices?
U.S. Hospitals Slow to Adopt E-Records

U.S. Hospitals Slow to Adopt E-Records


Only 9% of U.S. hospitals have electronic health records, according to a new survey that reveals the gap between the present state of American health care and a high-tech future envisioned by policy makers.
E-Prescribing Systems Challenged by Doctors

E-Prescribing Systems Challenged by Doctors

Have you ever looked at the paper prescription your doctor hands you and wondered how anyone could make out those chicken scratches? Although pharmacists seem to have developed an amazing ability to read even the worst doctor handwriting, serious mistakes still occur if they misinterpret a letter or number. Prescriptions written and transmitted electronically, called “e-prescribing,” promise to prevent these mistakes as well as provide increased convenience for the patient. However, a recent study is suggesting that one of the safeguards built into the system may backfire with dire consequences.

One-stop site: E-prescribing help for physicians

The AMA has created an extensive online resource.

By the close of 2008, only about 13% of physicians were prescribing electronically. The prescription pad and pen still rule in most offices.

But doctors are getting a nudge to automate their prescribing process. Physicians who prescribe electronically for their Medicare patients will be eligible for incentive payments. This year’s bonus will be equal to 2% of all Medicare Part B pay for the year.
One-stop site: E-prescribing help for physicians

May 11, 2009

HIPAA Compliant Medical Transcription

HIPAA compliant medical transcription service guarantees full confidentiality of patient data.

Various healthcare settings in the United States including hospitals, clinics, long term acute care centers and healthcare centers are on the lookout for HIPAA compliant medical transcription service. To meet their requirements, top-quality, professional service providers offer medical transcription services that observe all the rules stipulated by HIPAA. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is the standard for electronic exchange of patient data in audio format into written text format. HIPAA compliant medical transcription ensures total confidentiality of patient data.
HIPAA Compliant Medical Transcription
Beaumont Hospitals expects to use stimulus money to expand new e-medical records technology

Beaumont Hospitals expects to use stimulus money to expand new e-medical records technology

Money included in the $787 billion federal economic stimulus package will allow Beaumont Hospitals to expand a new electronic medical records system to at least 300 of its affiliated physicians by year�s end, hospital officials said Thursday.

Stimulus gives incentives for e-health records

Health care providers across the country are moving to replace their old paper records with sleek new electronic systems, a process the Obama administration wants to speed along with over $17 billion in stimulus dollars.
Stimulus gives incentives for e-health records
Analysts Estimate Global HIS Market to Surpass $35 Billion by 2015

Santa Clara County medical records going digital

Health care is going digital in Santa Clara County, which is rolling out electronic medical records at each of its Valley Health Center sites � including the one at 660 S. Fair Oaks Ave. in Sunnyvale. The goal is to make medicine safer and more efficient.
Santa Clara County medical records going digital

May 8, 2009

Healthcare IT Continues to Grow, Despite Economy

20th Annual HIMSS Leadership Survey Findings Show Commitment to Healthcare IT, Cite EMR, CPOE, Security, Financial Concerns as Top Issues

CHICAGO � Implementing clinical systems � including an electronic medical record (EMR) and computerized provider order entry systems (CPOE) � was cited as the top priority for healthcare information technology (IT) professionals who responded to the 20th Annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Leadership Survey.
Healthcare IT Continues to Grow, Despite Economy
Incentive for Electronic Health Records Adoption in Stimulus Bill for Independent Pathologists

Incentive for Electronic Health Records Adoption in Stimulus Bill for Independent Pathologists

Both the House and Senate stimulus bills include incentives for physicians to incorporate electronic health records into their practices, but for pathologists, qualifying for the different incentive programs will depend on your practice.

Most hospitals somewhere along road to EMRs

Even in advance of the stimulus package, adoption of electronic records is increasing.

By Pamela Lewis Dolan, AMNews staff. Posted March 16, 2009.

An analysis of hospital health IT systems found that not only are more hospitals implementing electronic medical record systems, compared with a year ago, but the systems are becoming more sophisticated.
Most hospitals somewhere along road to EMRs
Obama announces new veterans� medical records system

Obama announces new veterans? medical records system

The federal government is establishing a new system for updating medical records of servicemen and women during and after their military careers, President Obama announced Thursday.

The joint virtual lifetime electronic record will, among other things, help ensure a streamlined transition of health care records between the Pentagon and the Veterans Administration.

Ownership of EHRs poses barrier to adoption

WINSTON-SALEM, NC - The issue around ownership of electronic health information must be addressed before it can be used to improve healthcare, says a recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Ownership of EHRs poses barrier to adoption
Measuring the impact of electronic medical records
TrendSpotter: E-Prescribing Gathers Momentum

TrendSpotter: E-Prescribing Gathers Momentum

If you�re like the majority of physicians, you don�t prescribe electronically and you don�t see why you should. After all, what�s wrong with the old prescription pad that has served you well over the years? But citing safety, quality, and efficiency, the government, private insurers, and some medical societies want you to change your mind.

HIMSS Explains Three Reasons to Support Pres. Obama?s Call to Computerize All Health Records Within Five Years

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), representing more than 20,000 individual members - of which 73% work in provider settings - and 350 corporate members, today announced its support for the health information technology (IT) provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan of 2009 proposed by Congress. HIMSS believes the inclusion of funding for health IT is essential if we are to meet President Obama�s goal of computerized health records for all Americans by 2014.
HIMSS Explains Three Reasons to Support Pres. Obama�s Call to Computerize All Health Records Within Five Years
High-tech healthcare benefits patients, study finds

Penn Study Shows How Electronic Medical Records Can Be Used to Test Drug Efficacy

Implications for circumventing studies too costly or unethical for clinical trial

PHILADELPHIA � For years controversy has surrounded whether electronic medical records (EMR) would lead to increased patient safety, cut medical errors, and reduce healthcare costs. Now, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have discovered a way to get another bonus from the implementation of electronic medical records: testing the efficacy of treatments for disease.

High-tech healthcare benefits patients, study finds

Electronic medical records are the wave of the future, and Chicago area hospitals are already on board.

Hospitals with more advanced record-keeping technology have fewer complications, lower mortality rates, and lower costs, according to a study released last week by Johns Hopkins University. The study looked at more than 40 hospitals with digital record systems and more than 160,000 patients in a six-month period.
Penn Study Shows How Electronic Medical Records Can Be Used to Test Drug Efficacy
How Doctors Will Use Their Stimulus Money

How Doctors Will Use Their Stimulus Money

Energy has been getting a huge amount of play in President Obama�s stimulus package. But we�d be remiss if we didn�t look at another massive piece of the plan, namely, the modernization of the American healthcare system. It�s getting $189 billion of the total $787 billion. So, what does that mean, and where�s the money going to go?
Using Emr Software in the Information Age

Using Emr Software in the Information Age

The medical information age.

With the recent explosion in information and technology over the past twenty years come vast changes throughout every industry worldwide. The medical industry itself has not been exempt from the transition from paper forms of data, to computerized electronic forms. The revolution of converting huge amounts of records, x-rays, names and prescriptions is very time consuming but nevertheless, it must be done. The same thing is taking place in the music business with cd�s being phased out of the market to give rise to mp3�s. Even though it hasn�t happened overnight, it is still a necessary step in the progression of human needs. The difference with the medical field is human lives are what�s at stake opposed to human desires.

New criteria facilitates EHR adoption in small, ambulatory physician practices

SCHAUMBURG., The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT)), the federally recognized body for testing and certifying electronic health records (EHRs), has announced it will develop dermatology-specific functionality criteria beginning in 2009. The CCHIT�s decision was in part a response to an application from the American Academy of Dermatology with support from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, American Telemedicine Association, the Medical Dermatology Society, and the Society for Investigative Dermatology as well as overwhelming support from the dermatology community and other key stakeholders.

Electronic Health Records: How to Spend the Money Wisely

So it looks as if the nation�s taxpayers are going to spend about $20 billion to accelerate the use of computerized medical records. In his press conference Monday night, President Obama went out of his way to explain why that money belonged in the economic stimulus package. It is, he said, a job-creating investment in both the present and the future that will improve the quality of care and save lives.
Electronic Health Records: How to Spend the Money Wisely
How Electronic Medical Records Can Be Used To Test Drug Efficacy

How Electronic Medical Records Can Be Used To Test Drug Efficacy

For years controversy has surrounded whether electronic medical records (EMR) would lead to increased patient safety, cut medical errors, and reduce healthcare costs. Now, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have discovered a way to get another bonus from the implementation of electronic medical records: testing the efficacy of treatments for disease.

Few U.S. Hospitals have Electronic Medical Records

Less than 2 percent of U.S. hospitals have adopted fully functional electronic medical records, with most citing cost as the biggest barrier, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.
Few U.S. Hospitals have Electronic Medical Records

May 7, 2009

Wireless Microphones for Dragon Naturally Speaking

Wireless Microphones for Dragon Naturally Speaking

In a recent comment by Tom Hamilton, he gave a nice review of a wireless microphone that can be used with Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical. I figured I�d been covering enough EMR politics and implementation lately that it was about time to mingle a little bit of technical content in the middle. More ..

5 Reasons Your EHR Implementation Will Succeed

I recently read a really interesting and informative article called �Five Reasons Why EHR Implementations Fail.� My only problem with this post is that it focuses too much on the negative. Too many doctors (and all clinical staff) are looking for reasons to have their EHR fail and not enough of them are looking at the reasons why an EHR implementation will succeed. More..
5 Reasons Your EHR Implementation Will Succeed

5 Reasons Your EHR Implementation Will Succeed

I recently read a really interesting and informative article called �Five Reasons Why EHR Implementations Fail.� My only problem with this post is that it focuses too much on the negative. Too many doctors (and all clinical staff) are looking for reasons to have their EHR fail and not enough of them are looking at the reasons why an EHR implementation will succeed.

Study suggests EMRs can be used to test drug efficacy

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have discovered that electronic medical records can be used to test drug efficacy.
Study suggests EMRs can be used to test drug efficacy
EMR & EHR Industry Contract <a href=""></a>

EMR & EHR Industry Contract

Considering the tremendous amount of political talk about EMR and EHR systems, you�d think that the number of EMR companies would continue to grow. It makes sense that entrepreneurs would chase after the $$�s that they see being invested in EMR, EHR and health care IT. However, I personally believe that the number of EMR companies will decrease in the next year rather than increase. <a href=""></a>

Why is Important to Learn About Web 2.0 and Medicine ?

I have been learning about the Web 2.0 for more than a year. Since February I have been writing about it in this blog. The purpose is to share with others what I know, to get more and more people involved with it. Not all my colleagues I have talked to about it really understand the concept or why it is so important to learn about it though.
Why is Important to Learn About Web 2.0 and Medicine ?
The state is the first to offer online physician visits statewide, under a program that kicks off Thursday. Residents can chat with a doctor over a standard Web browser (IE 7 or Firefox 2) or carry out their visit over the telephone. Those with a Webcam can also use that to share video with the doctor. The service will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (with a few monthly maintenance outages during low-volume times). The state is the first to offer online physician visits statewide, under a program that kicks off Thursday. Residents can chat with a doctor over a standard Web browser (IE 7 or Firefox 2) or carry out their visit over the telephone. Those with a Webcam can also use that to share video with the doctor. The service will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (with a few monthly maintenance outages during low-volume times).

Online Health care Services by Doctor

The state is the first to offer online physician visits statewide, under a program that kicks off Thursday. Residents can chat with a doctor over a standard Web browser (IE 7 or Firefox 2) or carry out their visit over the telephone. Those with a Webcam can also use that to share video with the doctor. The service will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (with a few monthly maintenance outages during low-volume times).

The New Intelligence & Healthcare

The volume, variety and velocity of data in healthcare is a very good example of where our world needs �new intelligence.� Such a new infrastructure would help us better manage and process medical records to lower the cost and increase the quality of healthcare, put more research and genetic data to work and shift from a system that treats disease to one that prevents and manages it. Check out this video for an entertaining overview of what we mean by new intelligence. <a href=""></a>
The New Intelligence & Healthcare <a href=""></a>

Survey for PMS and EHR Functionality Ratings

Out of seventeen companies, OmniMD( A Division of Integrated Systems Inc.) received the highest overall 5-Star rating. The GE Centricity new integrated product is expected to also become a 5-star rated product. Five important caveats to keep in mind as you review the results:
Survey for PMS and EHR Functionality Ratings

OmniMD EMR Receives SureScripts?s Certification for Electronic Prescribing

CCHIT Certified OmniMD� , a developer of HIPAA compliant Internet-based enterprise healthcare , Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Practice Management solutions, is pleased to announce its certification by SureScripts�, operator of the Pharmacy Health Information Exchange�. SureScripts � �s certification allows for interoperability with the nation�s community pharmacies , which improves the safety and efficiency of the prescribing process and the quality of patient care. Physicians using Omni MD �s EMR application can now connect directly with local pharmacies connected to the Pharmacy Health Information Exchange, operated by SureScripts � .
OmniMD EMR Receives SureScripts��s Certification for Electronic Prescribing
Offshore Software Development