Jun 28, 2012


Medical transcriptionists need to have certain key skill-sets to be successful in medical transcription domain. In this article; we look at distinct skill-sets required by medical transcriptionists in medical transcription business.

Medical transcriptionbusiness is expanding on a daily basis. We are already seeing a lot of demand for specialized services of medical transcriptionists in the market. There are several skill sets required for a medical transcriptionist to be successful in their profession. Let us look at these skills individually:

  • Exceptional control over grammar, spelling and punctuation: Medical transcriptionist should have exceptional spelling skills. It is always recommended for the medical transcriptionist to have a dictionary with them but do not ponder over the words excessively; because most probably they are paid for the amount they type. Good grammar skills and punctuation marks will give them an edge over their competitors.

  • Concentration for longer period of time: A medical transcriptionist needs to sit in front of computers for longer period of time. Good focus on the transcribed document can reduce the number of mistakes in the patient’s medical report. Mistakes can endanger the lives of patients hence; proper care needs to be taken while transcribing the document.

  • Work without supervision and stay motivated: Sometimes medical transcriptionists need to work from home. At that point, it becomes very important for them to stay motivated so that they can work without any supervision. Turnaround time for the reports need to be met; as a report is due in only one or two hours after it is dictated.

  • Exceptional research skills: A medical transcriptionist must have excellent research skills. They should not only have the right reference books, but they should also be able to pick the right book quickly. The medical transcriptionist should be able to find hospitals and physicians; in case if there is any spelling mistake or abbreviations.

  • Above average typing skills: Good typing skills are must for an excellent medical transcriptionist. Without typing speed it becomes very difficult for the medical transcriptionist to complete their targets and get the desired career results.

  • A good memory: Medical transcriptionists need to have a good memory. It is not possible for them to stop every now and then to look for things and yet be accurate.

  • Desire for continuous education: Medical transcriptionist need to continuously update themselves with new medications, new surgical instruments, and even new diseases. There are always new things to learn everyday in the medical transcription field. Hence, medical transcriptionist need to regularly update themselves with new revisions.

  • Learn new languages and accents: With the advancement in technology, medical transcriptionists need to prepare transcriptions for doctors residing in different regions and different accents. The more accustomed the medical transcriptionist is; the better changes of growth are available to them.

Medical transcriptionists need to have passion for words, curiosity for meaning and desire to continuously grow in this demanding field. A global medical transcription company will always recruit the best medical transcriptionists after evaluating the necessary skill-sets specified above.


Medical transcriptionists need to follow some codes of ethics forprotecting the privacy and confidentiality of the patient information. In thisarticle; we look at these codes of ethics and understand how they affect themedical transcriptionists.

Medicaltranscription business is a highly demanding affair which deals withprotecting the personal information of patients in a highly secure manner. The codes of ethics have been designed insuch a manner that they are applicable to healthcare in general and medicaltranscription in particular.

The Association for HealthcareDocumentation Integrity (AHDI) initially developed these codes of ethics forits members. Now these guidelines work as a framework for medical transcriptioncompanies.

Let us now look at some of therules and regulations laid by AHDI which help medical transcriptionists inproviding quality services to the clients:

  • Confidentiality of patient information: Confidentiality of patient information is of paramount importance to medical transcription companies. It includes peer reviews, quality improvement and risk management protocols with special effort to maintain data security in electronic communications.

  • Maintain standards of professional transcription practice: Proper implementation and maintenance of standards for professional transcription practice.

  • Accurate and timely information: Always strive to provide accurate and timely information.

  • Compliance with rules and regulations for patient documentation: Compliance with all laws, rules, regulations and standards governing practice of patient documentation.

  • Exercise integrity in professional practices: Always strive for professional practices including work or professional experience, credentials, affiliations, productivity reporting, billing charges and payment practices.

  • Respect the rights and dignity of all individuals: Every individual has a unique thing to offer. Hence; it is very important to understand the needs of every individual and respect their rights and dignity.

  • Encourage work environment which promotes integrity and professionalism amongst employees: Create a working environment where employees are thorough professionals facilitating integrity and protecting personal information of the patients.

Medical transcription business ismore than just converting voice files into typewritten documents. A simpleerror can even cause death of a patient. Hence; it is very important for medical transcriptioncompanies to train their employees beforehand so that they can providethe services as per the guidelines provided by The Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI).


Selecting a good medical transcription company is not a cake walk. There are certain aspects which make or break the transcription services. In this article; we look at some of the primary aspects of medical transcription service which are inevitable for the successful delivery of transcribed documents.

Medical transcription companies provide lot of different services to their clients. However, there are certain basic services which predominantly exist in all transcription services. Let us look at some of the core features that you can expect from a good medical transcription company:

  • Quality: One mistake that clients make while selecting a medical transcription company is over-emphasizing on the fact of cost and features of medical transcription service. But they ignore the basic criteria of transcription quality. Often this results in lot of corrections and errors. Hence; there is a need for a synchronized effort comprising of different quality aspects which results in delivering effective medical transcription service:

    • Process: Pay attention to the processes followed by the medical transcription company. Most of the transcription companies enumerate their transcription processes on their websites. Others will gladly explain the process if you call and ask them about it.

    • Accuracy: Always ask for the accuracy of the transcribed document. Please note that the average rate of accuracy in transcription industry is 98.5%. Always compare this figure with the accuracy rate provided by transcription company.

    • Corrections: Please note that transcription companies should not charge you for the corrections. In fact they should have a clear process for handling corrections. If the transcription company does not have a pre-defined process for handling corrections then it is always advisable not to go ahead with the contract.

    • Patient Name Errors: These are some common errors which occur during the transcription process. Clarify with the transcription company whether they have a clear process for avoiding and correcting these errors.

  • Turnaround Time: Generally medical transcription companies provide 24 hours turnaround time to their clients. There are certain companies which provide medical transcription services in even lesser time but with some additional charges. Always note that a shorter turnaround time does not guarantee quality transcription. Select turnaround time which suits your needs instead of shortest turnaround time with lowest price.

  • Reputation & References: Always ask for references from the medical transcription companies irrespective of their establishment. Remember that your basic objective of asking for references is to understand whether the medical transcription company can provide the desired services in respect to your dictation speed and accent. Ask for references of clients who are currently using such services, so that you can get a clear picture of the capability of the transcription company.

  • Electronic records and compatibility:Documentation in electronic format has become quite essential nowadays. Hence; it is always advisable to confirm with the medical transcription company if they can provide the documentation in electronic format directly into eMR. Please note that MS Word and RTF format documents are most popular and will have the best support in Electronic Record Systems.

  • Hidden Costs: Hidden costs are costs which are not disclosed by the medical transcription company. Some of the common hidden costs include:

  • Line Definitions: Always ask the medical transcription company about the number of characters or key strokes in a line. Normally a line constitutes of 50 to 65 characters or key strokes. This is an industry norm for a line definition. Even blank lines and lines with single words will be charged.

  • Minimum volume contracts: Avoid contracts that specify minimum number of billable lines per month. This is very important because if in case you do not use the transcription service for that given billing cycle you will still end up paying for the services that you did not use.

  • Additional charges for corrections: Reputed medical transcription companies do not charge correction fees for errors. Ensure that there are no charges levied on correction of errors.

A good medical transcription company will see to it that the transcription services are provided with utmost care in minimal time. They also ensure that the quality of the transcribed documents is as per the industry standards.

May 5, 2012


Medical Transcriptionist is one of the most demanding jobs present in the market.  With the help of Medical Transcription services, medical practitioners can lessen their burden of electronic documentation for all patient records.  But the major question that the medical practitioners face is, whether they wish to outsource these services or hire someone in-house. We are all aware that there are two options available to medical practitioners to take care of the transcription needs.  They are:

  • In-house

  • Outsource

Let us now look at some of the benefits of hiring an in-house medical transcriptionist:

  • Availability of staff member throughout the day: One of the advantages of recruiting an in-house medical transcriptionist is that their services can be rendered throughout the day. Their day-to-day tasks includes:

    • Correcting errors

    • Making changes

    • Carrying out new tasks on regular basis  

They are also trained to become accustomed with:

  • Medical terminology

  • Lexicons associated with the medical profession

  • Brand names and phrases which help medical transcriptionists to carry out their daily tasks smoothly

  • To maintain secrecy for honoring any confidential agreement: If the organization has signed any confidential agreement due to sensitivity of the information to be derived, it is always recommended to opt for an in-house medical transcriptionist. This makes it easier for the organization to keep the flow of information in check. The in-house medical transcriptionist is directly accountable for honoring the confidential agreement.

  • Flexibility in responding to changing business environment: If there are abrupt changes in the business environment of the organization, hiring in-house medical transcriptionists is the only option. They can adapt to the changing business situation, and can apply their logic in providing necessary services swiftly.

  • Total control of manager: Manager has total control over in-house medical transcriptionists. It is much easier for the managers to manage the transcriptionists effectively, as they are working in the same domain/building of the organization. They can even give regular instructions to the in-house medical transcriptionists about their day-to-day activities.

  • Performance based appraisal: The in-house transcriptionists are full-time employees of the organization. But their appraisal is based totally on performance, hence, they have the additional incentive to raise their bar, and prove their efficiency to grow in the organization. This makes the performance of the in-house transcriptionists formidable.

  • Increased quality and efficiency: If medical transcriptions are outsourced from a third party, the files that the organization receives may not be of superior quality. It is also possible that the transcribed files do not reach on time. Even if the organization gets the files on it, checking them to ensure the quality becomes a headache. Hence, it is always advisable for the organization to recruit in-house medical transcriptionists, who can deliver the quality on timely basis.

  • Preserving sensitive data with the organization: When an organization outsources medical transcriptions to a third party they take a risk of losing sensitive data to the outsourced party. By hiring in-house transcriptionists, the organization can preserve the sensitive data and honor their part of agreement with the client.

Recruiting in-house medical transcriptionists has its own sets of advantages and disadvantages. Being a Global Medical Transcription Companie, we understand the needs of our clients, and can provide customized solutions as per their needs. If you wish to learn more about Mediscribes, click here.

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing transcription & document management systems providers in United States, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to major hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribes is the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strong presence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providing highly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatable turnaround time with robust & proven document management system as its vantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions as its primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, both ASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valued asset   ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI), providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nine yards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR data integration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient in integrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilities that do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoring interface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe has special features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendly document search criteria.

For additional information, please visit http://ping.fm/Ag2HL

Mar 22, 2012

Get Professional Audio Transcription Services

There are lots of people who ask what the latest developments with the smart phones have when it comes to services offered for audio to text Transcription Service. It actually has lot to offer. It seems like the entire universe together with its relatives are using smart phones for interaction on social media, surfing, emailing, selling and buying online and one in a while to make and receive calls.

Recently the omnipresent Smartphone can also be used as a device for digital dictation, putting im mind how much they cost it could be the reason why they are so popular.

Smart phones are loved by Marketing Research Firms

This is mostly because the audio data that is recorded while conducting a vox pox, market survey or field research is usually confidential and it helps the data used for the research to stay on top of the curve. Most organizations use the smart phones for recording as it is a simple task since you can create a pass word to protected the data, and they can also be used to set up notifications and alerts that makes the organization process much mire lighter than when a person is using an audio recorder.]

Most companies that offer the professional transcription services normally accept data that has been recorded on smart phones especially form marketing research companies thus they make sure that they are well conversed with the formats that are used like pcm and amr.

Transmit, record and make business calls fast

There are business people who also send audio recordings from their smart phones to be transcribed. It is usually better and easier to record and make the transatlantic calls using a smart phone to a trusted friend.

Business people normally look for the Audio Transcription Services and there are some business concerns that the smart phones that are used for business matters usually have great recordings and can be used to transcribe the projects without a problem.

Pills for doctors- the perfect ones!

Physicians are also not left behind when it comes to the craze that is surrounding smart phones in the market. This is because they usually have a number of applications that can be used to record dictations done by the doctors. These usually make dictation much easier and effortless.

Making inroads!

Making inroads with the smart phones has become a priority. Transcriptionists have changed the way they work so as to fulfill the needs of the growing market. There are some that have specialized in offering the services.

This article was originally posted at http://ping.fm/0lv9d

Business Transcription Outsourcing: Benefits You Can Expect

For business purposes, you have to document important board meetings, presentations, conferences, seminars, group discussions, client meetings, interviews, annual general meetings, recorded telephone conversations regarding business, confidential documents, computer dictations, speeches, press releases, employee surveys, insurance claims, mobile dictations, lectures, focus groups, Tape Transcription, business letters and quotations. If you are running a business organization, then you might know how time consuming it is to organize and manage the voluminous office work. This is where companies offering Business Transcription outsourcing can help you with quality transcription service. Outsourcing is a cost-effective option and you
benefit from having your transcription requirements taken care of efficiently.

Nowadays, businesses of all sizes choose to outsource business transcription requirements to reliable companies that have established a reputation for providing timely services.


With transcription outsourced to a reliable business transcription company, you can concentrate on core competencies. This article will help you learn more about business transcription outsourcing and the benefits you can expect from it. Business transcription services are available for clients across various industries such as retail, advertising, financial, automotive, healthcare, packaging, media, technology, education, medical, transport, and more.

What Are The Benefits You Can Gain from Business Transcription Outsourcing?

Listed here are some of the benefits of business transcription services.

  • Proficiently organize your business records – your important business records will be organized and managed in the format of your choice. This in turn saves your valuable time and reduces your workload.

  • Experienced and well-trained professionals are at your service: the transcription firms hire professionals with excellent expertise in business communication.

  • Allows you to concentrate on core business activities without sacrificing quality of service in the back-office.

With a reputable transcription firm for support, you can save on office resources: outsourcing helps you save on hiring, training and employee benefits. Besides, you are ensured quick turnaround time of 12-24 hours, thus preventing any kind of backlog. Usually, transcription firms implement dedicated QA procedures to ensure quality and accuracy of the transcriptions. They help client businesses enhance productivity and profit. Businesses planning to outsource can make use of the free trial offer to evaluate the service quality and turnaround time of the company.

By collaborating with a reliable business transcription outsourcing firm, you can enjoy savings on time and money without compromising on work quality. If you have made up your mind to delegate your office works, then contact a dependable business transcription service provider and research about the benefits you can expect.

This article was originally posted at http://ping.fm/ItiP6

Medical Transcription Companies Making Services Favorable

In today's world the billing of various purposes is done in the non-traditional ways.

Printing and the soft copy forms are used rather than the old school ways of hand writing it. The same is applied with the medical services over the globe. The Medical Transcription is the way medical billing is providing fast, accurate and cut cost on medical transcription with higher security. The concept and benefits of medical transcription is well known to the medical industry. Major Medical Transcription companies like Med scripts India, Acroseas, Acusis provide the country with their services and have proved to be a blessing to the healthcare industry. According to your medical transcription requirement, these firms can help you in every stage of the transcription process - right from dictation capturing to the document distribution. A firm with long term experience would intend on providing dedicated medical transcription services to their clients, leaving no scope for complaints as the accuracy is the most important factor.

The medical Transcription in India has gained a huge importance over a period of time. Many companies have been rapidly set up to evolve this concept in the medical field. Our medical transcription India facility consists of more than 300 medical transcriptionists and editors. With the increase in demand for more accurate documentation of medical records, there is an increased trend for healthcare facilities to use medical transcription services from reliable firms. All healthcare facilities including hospitals, clinics, long term care facilities, acute care facilities, individual practitioners and group practices can benefit from these medical transcription services.

Good quality medical transcription services are high in demand. Many companies in India provide medical transcription services at a very economical rate using latest web based software technology without compromising the quality of service. They are now increasingly providing fast and accurate services for official medical and professional industries also. Because of their promise of low costs and great convenience, many health care professionals and organizations are outsourcing their medical transcription services to these companies. The Medical services outsourcing is now proving to be a boon to Indian medical industry, in terms of cost-cutting and time saving.

Major benefits You Can Expect from Transcription Companies are:

  • They have very low operating costs

  • Causes increase in productivity and render smooth workflow

  • Have reduced time in turn-around

  • They keep a complete security about the transcription data

  • Saves on the need for an in-house transcription department which saves on the area infrastructure

  • They have very high level of accuracy and also cost-saving up to 60-70%

  • Saves on time and money

Medical Transcription Companies have a number of well trained, experienced and certified experts who handle the transcriptions efficiently. They understand the finer details of transcription and go through each and every project to make sure that there are no errors at all with the entire process. The firms are equipped with the most up-to-date technology and infrastructure. Workforce comprises skilled transcriptionists, editors, proofreaders and quality analysts. Transcription services are provided for various medical reports including cardiology reports, history and physical examination reports, x-ray reports, medical evaluation, patient discharge summaries and many more services.

The understanding between many countries has led to the constant development and acceptance of the medical transcription.

This article was originally posted at http://www.sooperarticles.com/business-articles/outsourcing-articles/medical-transcription-companies-making-services-favorable-868367.html

Medical Transcription Companies Making Services Favorable

In today's world the billing of various purposes is done in the non-traditional ways.

Printing and the soft copy forms are used rather than the old school ways of hand writing it. The same is applied with the medical services over the globe. The Medical Transcription is the way medical billing is providing fast, accurate and cut cost on medical transcription with higher security. The concept and benefits of medical transcription is well known to the medical industry. Major Medical Transcription companies like Med scripts India, Acroseas, Acusis provide the country with their services and have proved to be a blessing to the healthcare industry. According to your medical transcription requirement, these firms can help you in every stage of the transcription process - right from dictation capturing to the document distribution. A firm with long term experience would intend on providing dedicated medical transcription services to their clients, leaving no scope for complaints as the accuracy is the most important factor.

The medical Transcription in India has gained a huge importance over a period of time. Many companies have been rapidly set up to evolve this concept in the medical field. Our medical transcription India facility consists of more than 300 medical transcriptionists and editors. With the increase in demand for more accurate documentation of medical records, there is an increased trend for healthcare facilities to use medical transcription services from reliable firms. All healthcare facilities including hospitals, clinics, long term care facilities, acute care facilities, individual practitioners and group practices can benefit from these medical transcription services.

Good quality medical transcription services are high in demand. Many companies in India provide medical transcription services at a very economical rate using latest web based software technology without compromising the quality of service. They are now increasingly providing fast and accurate services for official medical and professional industries also. Because of their promise of low costs and great convenience, many health care professionals and organizations are outsourcing their medical transcription services to these companies. The Medical services outsourcing is now proving to be a boon to Indian medical industry, in terms of cost-cutting and time saving.

Major benefits You Can Expect from Transcription Companies are:

  • They have very low operating costs

  • Causes increase in productivity and render smooth workflow

  • Have reduced time in turn-around

  • They keep a complete security about the transcription data

  • Saves on the need for an in-house transcription department which saves on the area infrastructure

  • They have very high level of accuracy and also cost-saving up to 60-70%

  • Saves on time and money

Medical Transcription Companies have a number of well trained, experienced and certified experts who handle the transcriptions efficiently. They understand the finer details of transcription and go through each and every project to make sure that there are no errors at all with the entire process. The firms are equipped with the most up-to-date technology and infrastructure. Workforce comprises skilled transcriptionists, editors, proofreaders and quality analysts. Transcription services are provided for various medical reports including cardiology reports, history and physical examination reports, x-ray reports, medical evaluation, patient discharge summaries and many more services.

The understanding between many countries has led to the constant development and acceptance of the medical transcription.

This article was originally posted at http://www.sooperarticles.com/business-articles/outsourcing-articles/medical-transcription-companies-making-services-favorable-868367.html

Emergency Room Transcription Services Customized To Your Requirements

Customized emergency room Transcription Service helps medical practitioner save the time and effort involved in creating, editing and correcting the medical reports related to emergency care. Emergency room service is crucial essential in healthcare facilities including hospitals, individual practices, healthcare centers and medical emergency centers. The necessity of maintaining accurate electronic healthcare records is urging busy medical professionals to resort to emergency room transcription outsourcing.

Features of Emergency Room Transcription Service

A Medical Transcription Service provider offers transcription of all reports including patient progress reports, history and physical reports, chart notes, medical evaluations, discharge summaries and more in the desired format and within the specified time. They offer physicians the option to provide their dictation using digital dictation machines or toll free numbers. The voice files are then transcribed by professionally qualified and experienced medical transcriptionists. Other advantages of outsourcing:

  • Transcription can be done domestically or internationally according to the need of physician.

  • HIPAA compliance and top level security guarantees privacy of patient records and data, increased efficiency and streamlined processing

  • Competitive pricing: an efficient transcription company can save you up to 40% on your transcription costs

  • Full document flow management system

  • 99% accuracy

  • Stringent quality control to ensure error-free results

  • File transfer using FTP or browser-based 256 bit AES encryption protocol

  • Free Trail option

  • Quick turnaround time, customized to suit the requirements of the physician.

The transcription team that an established service provider employs is well trained, capable and knowledgeable about the latest American Association of Medical Transcription (AAMT) guidelines. Team members would be familiar in handling different accent and dictation styles. All reports are clearly documented and made available at any time

Advantage of Medical Transcription Service

By outsourcing their documentation tasks to a medical transcription company, medical practitioners can gain many advantages.

  • The hospital does not have to employ in-house staff for medical transcription

  • Quick processing of information and reduction in the burden of paper work

  • Well-organized patient records

  • More time to devote to patient care

  • Proper and timely documentation facilitates quick reimbursement

  • Improved productivity and revenue

Before choosing an emergency room transcription service provider, make sure that the company is HIPAA-compliant and can meet your requirements at affordable charges.

This article was originally posted at http://www.articlesbase.com/outsourcing-articles/emergency-room-transcription-services-customized-to-your-requirements-5762596.html


How Obama Lost The Messaging War Over Health Care Law

The sweeping health overhaul law turns 2 years old this Friday. And as it heads toward a constitutional showdown at the Supreme Court next week, the debate over the measure remains almost as heated as the day President Obama signed it into law.

In fact, public opinion about the law remains divided along partisan lines to almost exactly the same extent it was when the law was signed on March 23, 2010, according to the latest monthly tracking poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Democrats mostly like the measure. Republicans mostly hate it.

Michael Cannon, an opponent of the law who works for the libertarian Cato Institute, says he's not a bit surprised that its popularity hasn't grown as many Democrats predicted it would.

"Even if this law was written exactly as its supporters would have liked, you still can't put lipstick on this pig," he says. "The law just takes too much from too many people to be popular with the American public."

Opponents of the law say the main reason for that is the so-called individual mandate, which requires most Americans to have health insurance or pay a fine starting in 2014.

"There was something fundamentally different about trying to jam the individual mandate down the throats of the American people," says Tom Miller, another opponent of the law from the conservative American Enterprise Institute. "Even people who had insurance, who were buying it — it just didn't resonate with their core gut instincts and larger values and history."

But supporters say the reason the law hasn't won more love is considerably more complicated.

Princeton sociology professor and health care watcher Paul Starr says part of the problem that so much of the law hasn't taken effect yet. "They're only really going to become aware of the specifics of the legislation as we get close to the point where there's enrollment in health plans and where people actually see how the health insurance exchanges actually work and how the subsidies work," he says.

And there's another big factor in the the lack of support — a lot of people who might like the law misunderstand what it actually requires.

For example, in a March 2011 poll, Kaiser (like most other groups polling on the subject) found that two-thirds of respondents said they opposed the individual mandate. But when it was explained that simply having employer-provided insurance would satisfy that requirement and that most employers were expected to continue to provide such coverage, opposition dropped to 35 percent.

"Probably 95 percent of the voting public either meet the individual requirement or are exempt from it," says Chris Jennings, a former health aide to President Bill Clinton and a supporter of the new law. "Why aren't these messages coming through better than they obviously are?"

It probably doesn't help that the Obama administration has been spending more effort trying to put the law into effect than working to dispel some of the myths about it.

"I don't think that was our primary job," says Nancy-Ann DeParle, White House deputy chief of staff and one of the key administration architects of the health law. "I really think our primary job was making sure that the changes that are happening to our insurance system were implemented in a careful, deliberate, transparent fashion."

DeParle blames the misperceptions — particularly about the pivotal individual mandate — on the law's many political opponents. She says, "The fact is for the vast majority of Americans they'll just check a box that says, 'Yes, I have insurance. '"

But the administration's lack of messaging, not to mention the political polarization around the law, has frustrated some of the law's other supporters.

"What messaging?" asks John Rother, who runs the nonpartisan National Coalition on Health Care. "I think the problem with something that's this controversial is it's always much easier to criticize it is than to defend it. And given that, I think the advocates for the legislation have been missing in action."

Princeton's Starr says there's another reason that opponents of the measure outnumber supporters. The entire structure of the law — preserving a private insurance system with an individual insurance requirement — was originally a Republican idea. "The president and Democrats adopted that approach in the hope of getting moderate support," Starr says.

Yet Republicans have unanimously turned against it. And they're not the only ones.

"Many liberals were never enthusiastic about it to begin with," says Starr. And that shows up in the polls. "Many of the people who are unfavorable are actually unfavorable from the left and are unhappy about the law, because it isn't a single-payer national health insurance plan."

That may be yet another reason why President Obama spends a lot more of his time on the campaign trail these days talking to his Democratic supporters about things other than healthcare.

Medical Transcription Outsourcing-It's Advantage and Benefits

The widespread use of internet has opened up new doors for business outsourcing opportunity. It has now become so much easier to avail specialized Transcription Service at affordable prices irrespective of the company location. Medical transcription outsourcing has been one of such recent trends that is applicable in the field of healthcare services. It is much in demand in the recent times as far as time and resource is concerned. Such medical transcription outsourcing service is provided to cater to the healthcare industry by streamlining its workflow. Those companies outsourcing such service provide simplified and quality transcription service in the minimum possible turnaround time.

This kind of outsourcing service is provided by Medical Transcription Companies in Canada which consolidates information related to patient reports and other related ones. Providing accurate and reliable transcription services in the least turnaround time is an important characteristic of medical transcription outsourcing. This kind of outsourcing also helps in reducing the cost expense and thereby minimizes the cost of transcription. It is the responsibility of the medical transcription provider to provide a proper and precise documentation of medical reports or records for that matter.

It is always wise to choose from those medical transcription outsourcing companies or Canada transcription who have a considerable repute in offering such outsourcing service. It is the medical transcriptionists who convert the medical reports, lectures of healthcare professionals, medical history of patients, medical test reports in the digital text format. There are quite a few medical transcription companies in Canada who provide such service at cost-effective and cheap prices. It is upon you to decide which company you want to choose or hire apart from considering the various factors.

Medical Transcription Outsourcing experts are trained to co-ordinate the organizational activities and deliver prompt medical transcription solutions within a given deadline. These medical transcriptionists are talented and skilled enough to provide efficient medical transcription facility. This is to further improve the organizational turn around figure at a quick rate. They give due importance to the timely completion of the medical transcript as demanded by the client organization. Medical transcriptionists are indeed a talented bunch of knowledgeable transcribers who hold a clear understanding of all the medical terminology. This further helps them in transcribing medical records and thereby analyzing other physical examination reports.

Such transcription facility is available in preparing clinical reports, post-operation reports, physical condition of the patient discharge summary, notes on patient follow-up details and others. They also prepare reports on the patient health progress, operation reports, letters, laboratory reports etc. Professional transcriptionists take the help of all the advanced dictation methods and devices that can be used for recording the same with ease. There are some medical transcription companies in Canada who take the help of toll free numbers for the digital conversion of the whole dictation process. They also manage the flow of transcription for speeding up the whole process. This is done to minimize the chances of error and thereby be successful in providing assured quality transcription services with much accuracy.

This article was originally posted at http://ping.fm/NepCr

Mar 14, 2012

Seamless Implementation and Project Management

In Medical Transcription, accuracy and dedication must meet the global standards and they are the two key factors that can never be compromised upon at any given stage. The field has vast foothold all around the world and to come up with customized implementations that result in expertly managed, effective projects is quintessential. Over the years the field of Medical Transcription has evolved in a massive way and with revolutionary rise in e-technology, innovative approach and flawless applications have become the need of the hour, especially if you are interested in getting that cutting edge above your competitors.

Ingenious implementation can take you farther

Improvisation through ingenious implementation can help you manage any Medical Transcription project with lucidity. Quest for precision and quality are the major rudimentary elements that serve as catalyst during the execution of any project. Nowadays, with the advent of cutting-edge technology, boundaries of workplace have been brought down and the workers in this field enjoy the privilege of working from their home place or workstation of their choice. This has also enabled more home workers to switch over to a new career of Medical Transcription, and has been proved extremely beneficial to those who have been opting for home based or part time jobs. For companies looking out for a good staff of Medical Transcriptionists this is very good news. On the other hand though, if quality has to be the core policy for seamless results, then you need to take care that the staff you hire is highly qualified, well trained and if possible experienced enough to carry out the requirements of the position with supreme confidence. You can as well get some AHDI certified Medical Transcriptionists on your staff board so that the excellence in work is guaranteed every time. All these steps can help even a budding juvenile Medical Transcription Companies surge ahead in the heat of competition within no time.

Categorizing divisions for seamless working

Even though you may have staff that work from their home places, you need to recruit certain office based employees, those who will communicate and cater to the official inquiries and details. These are the employees who will take care of all your various departments. Instead of doing all the work under one section, it is highly recommended that there is proper compartmentalization of workforce so that at every level the pace and quality is maintained. For your online promotions, representations and communications, it is always best to have technical staff that will take care of all the hassles related to technicalities and also keep on updating your website and related aspects quite regularly. This will help you keep your online presence more compatible with the latest. Customer service plays the role of a representative and hence you need highly skilled people in this section who can play their part well. Since you would be employing online staff for Medical Transcription, it is necessary that the new and novice are polished up so that their work matches up the quality required. For this a special recruiting and training division is needed.

To start off with, these few implementations if applied can help you gain and maintain good amount of projects in the Medical Transcription world.

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing transcription & document management systems providers in United States, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to major hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribes is the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strong presence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providing highly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatable turnaround time with robust & proven document management system as its vantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions as its primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, both ASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valued asset ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI), providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nine yards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR data integration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient in integrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilities that do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoring interface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe has special features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendly document search criteria.

For additional information, please visit http://ping.fm/iVbE7

Mar 7, 2012

Experts: National HIE strategy evolving

There's consensus that the architecture of a nationwide health information network (NwHIN) is shifting. But there's less agreement as to whether this change is a favorable development.

That's the upshot of a panel of experts, addressing the issue in a roundtable discussion held this week by the National e-health Collaborative, a public-private partnership established by a grant from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) to foster national health information exchange (HIE).

According to the panel, the NwHIN originally was designed to operate via a hub-and-spoke model, using Regional Health Information Organizations (RHIOs) acting like public utilities and offering universal access for the public good. But under the Obama administration, the model for the NwHIN is more internet-based and involves private enterprise, said Leslie Lenert, professor of medicine and biomedical informatics at the University of Utah. (Lenert recently had a well-publicized article published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association on the subject.) The shift is based, not on science, but on "political leadership" and may limit opportunities to subsidize activities for the public good, such as patient record locator services, he warned.

But others didn't see either model as being mutually exclusive. "We don't want to throw out what we've done in the past," noted Brian Ahier, a renowned health IT blogger and president of Gorge Health Connect, Inc. "We can use the hub and spoke combined with the internet," he said.

Claudia Williams, director of ONC's state HIE program, agreed. "The current rates of exchange are terribly low," she said. "We need to make all different forms of exchange. All of them will exist side by side. Our job is to reduce cost, complexity and risk."

Many of the panelists were more concerned with issues like data hoarding and lack of standardization of electronic health records as impeding HIE, not the model itself.

"I don't know of any technology better for the public good than the internet," David Kibbe, senior advisor to the American Academy of Family Physicians, said.

This article was originally posted at http://ping.fm/9wMZ2


Mar 1, 2012

The Benefits of a Transcription Service for a Legal Enterprise

The various revolutions in technology are aiding different industries to maximize their work and minimize their overhead costs. A Transcription Service is one such offering of the modern technology. Legal firms or practices around the United States are benefiting from outsourcing their work to transcription providers. This helps them to ease off the complicated documentation involved in the various services they offer to their clients.

Let us understand the various advantages the process of transcription offers to those in the legal industry,

Helps to reduce time - Most legal records require meticulous documentation since a single error can affect the course of a judgment. The transcription of legal documents in to legal records helps to save up time on the paper work and allows the legal enterprise to focus on its different cases and other important functions.

Savings on resources and infrastructure - Any legal expert of a legal service has to spend hefty amounts of money on utilities, software, workforce, infrastructure and real estate.

These overhead charges may eat in to the profits of any business. The Transcription Service is useful as it helps to eliminate the need of extensive infrastructure as well as resources to maintain legal documents.

Increases efficiency and productivity - The service of Legal Transcription helps to increase the productivity of an enterprise as it eliminates tedious workload. Outsourcing especially to a different part of the globe is useful as the records are transcribed in the non-working hours and could be delivered next day with ease. This results in updated records and organized work that contributes to increasing the efficiency of an enterprise.

High quality of work - Most transcription services ensure high quality of work with accuracy and timely delivery. Most transcription services involve multiple levels of proof reading in order to ensure accuracy. They may have teams of transcribers, editors, quality controllers and legal experts who thoroughly check the work before it is sent to the client.

Saving money and gaining competitive edge - Most transcription services have reasonable prices that help a legal enterprise to cut down on its costs. In today’s market cutting down to the costs translates to staying competitive in the market.

This article was originally posted at http://ping.fm/gPr57

Growing Relevance of Legal Transcription India

In the field of legal services, Legal Transcription plays an important role. India Legal transcription provides a wide range of transcription routines, such as correspondence, reports, memoranda, meeting minutes and other articles regularly. Most clients, such as law firms to ask what to transcribe the proceedings at meetings, conferences, telephone conversations, interviews and hearings.

This type transcription are visible in a number of situations in the legal field, including statements, subpoenas, briefs, interrogatories, legal documents, general correspondence and legal criminal proceedings.

Providers legal transcription in India are very sensitive to the vertical regulations that affect the legal sector to some extent. So they followed strict rules of respect for HIPAA security and privacy and the credibility to get the best result of the transcript.

In the technology area of ​​law based legal transcription services are also equipped with the technical progress and new additions time. These developments are very necessary if you need to give new dimension to your legal transcription services to the legal fraternity. They always bring the best results with the most up to date with technological solutions transcription professional commitment to customers. They will also ensure that these services are 100% HIPAA compliant.

This article was originally posted at http://medicaltranscriptioncompany.us/blog/?p=1037

4 Outsourcing Transcription Mistakes That Make You Look Stupid and Cost You Money

If you outsource Audio Transcription this post is for you. This post is about the mistakes people commit when outsourcing their transcription work and how to avoid those outsourcing mistakes. Some make you look stupid; some will even cost you money.

Not having a proper file naming convention

When you start outsourcing your transcription work, adopt and maintain an appropriate file naming convention for your audios. This will do away a lot of headaches and confusion later. Try and organize your files and audit your audio files at least weekly. Maintain an Excel document to record all the audios you have outsourced to your transcription provider and those you have not.

Most audio recorders these days, will have a feature that controls the file naming convention. You may try using that or adopt a totally different approach and manually name your files.

I see different types of file naming conventions in my business. Some prefer sequential numbering; some include the date of the recording plus the author’s initials (this is apparently for firms with multiple authors outsourcing to the same transcription service provider); some include a description of some kind mostly related to the content of the recording. There’s no right or wrong with this. So, it’s really up to you how you want to do this. But, definitely do it.

Transcriptionists, or at least I, usually name a transcript after the audio file itself. For example, if I get an audio with the name ABCD.MP3, the transcript will be ABCD.doc. If there are two or more documents, it will be ABCD (1).doc, ABCD (2).doc and so on.

So, if you have two audio files with the same name (with different audio content), it’s confusing – as to how to save the second file or whether or not we’ve transcribe the file, in the first place.

We all want to avoid duplication of work, right? You don’t want to be charged for the same transcription twice.

So to summarize, it’s important to adopt a file naming convention because :

  1. It minimizes mistakes such as sending the same file twice for transcribing.

  2. It simplifies the process of documentation and maintaining records for individuals as well as businesses and firms.

  3. It avoids duplication of work.

  4. It saves you money and time.

  5. It makes accounting and invoicing much easier.

Sending the same audio file over and over for transcription

Sometimes even though you have a proper file naming convention, you may still end up sending the same audio file twice or even thrice for transcription. Sending the same file twice may mean paying double for a single transcript. This can be remedied by maintaining a record of files outsourced.

One way to contain the effects of such mistakes is to have an agreement with your transcription provider that duplicate files will not be charged (if work hasn’t commenced). That way, you at least save cost even though you can’t reclaim your time spent sending that file!

Not maintaining records of files

If you’re outsourcing audio transcription you should be maintaining a record of files being outsourced. This will prevent any unwanted issues in invoicing or duplication of work on the part of your transcriber. Record the date a file is outsourced; the length of the file; and also record when you get the transcript back.

Not outsourcing your transcriptions at all!

This is the biggest mistake of all. If you’re not outsourcing your transcriptions either because you employ a secretary (who’s not specialised in transcription or typing) fulltime or because you type your recordings yourself, you’re not taking advantage of the flat world we live in. You’re not optimizing your resources.

Outsourcing transcription is not all about saving money or time (although it does both), it’s more about employing specialists and experts, and getting excellent results. That’s the advantage of outsourcing and globalization. A decade ago when you have to content with a mediocre transcript from a secretary, now you can get excellent transcripts from an expert who specialises in transcription and only pay a fraction of what you might pay a secretary.

Nobody wants to be stupid. You don’t.

This article was originally posted at http://ping.fm/uOQb5

Business Transcription Services Customized to Your Requirements

With Business Transcription services customized to your requirements, your business can attain great cost savings while getting its data transcribed accurately and promptly. You have the data you need whenever you need it on account of cost-effective services that are offered in line with the unique requirements of your business. With outsourced business transcription you can expect to focus more on your core tasks.

The Various Business Transcription Applications

A business transcription company offers transcription services for:

  • Conferences

  • Seminars

  • Shareholders' meetings

  • Speeches

  • Lectures

  • Focus groups

  • Workshops

  • Interviews

  • Telephone calls

  • Symposiums

  • Group discussions

  • Internet information

  • Vox pops

  • Market research

Business transcription is a field that is at the heart of every business process. Transcribing data also consumes considerable time and resources, which is particularly straining for small and medium-sized businesses. Outsourced business transcription is apparently the solution.
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What Makes the Business Transcription Company Efficient?

A business transcription company consists of trained transcriptionists who can accurately and quickly transcribe data. They are supervised by editors and supervisors, and innovative technical infrastructure is in place for secure and safe transcription. Business transcription outsourcing works for almost all industries including legal, medical, manufacturing, IT, travel and tourism and individual professionals such as investors, lawyers and attorneys, other legal professionals, doctors and even students.

Live Transcription, Verbatim and Non-verbatim Transcripts

There is live business transcription offered that captures teleconferences, telephone conversations, meetings, speeches and other such communication sessions, or transcription of audio files sent through data storage methods. Audio files are accepted in formats such as MP3, MP4, DSS, WAV and data transfer tools such as DVD, CD, cassettes, mini tapes or the FTP (file transfer protocol).

Verbatim and non-verbatim transcripts are offered by the business transcription company. In verbatim transcripts each expression and word of the speaker(s) is captured. With sophisticated recording technology and microphones, background sounds and unimportant conversations are weeded out in non-verbatim transcripts.

Advantages of a Reliable Business Transcription Company

Business transcription services offered by a reliable company have many advantages that make them appropriate for all kinds of businesses and professionals. These features include:

  • 99% accuracy with reasonable audio quality. In case of poor audio, the file quality is enhanced by reducing irrelevant sounds

  • Extensive training provided to the transcriptionists in comprehension and recognizing difficult accents

  • Handling transcription for all small or large business events with multiple speakers

  • Grammatically and professionally accurate business transcripts

  • Time-stamping options

  • Telephone call recording rules followed

  • Option of FTP, email, hard copy or disc for returning transcripts

  • Deadlines met

  • Efficient document flow management

  • Multilevel quality assurance checks

  • Choice between domestic or international production of transcription

  • Complete work flow modules offered

  • 256-bit AES encryption

These features of business transcription services ensure total satisfaction and efficiency in the service offered. Look for a transcription company having these comprehensive features, and benefit from affordable business transcription services customized to your requirements.

This article was originally posted at http://www.articlesbase.com/outsourcing-articles/business-transcription-services-customized-to-your-requirements-5693894.html

Transcription: A Way of Communicating in Global Business

For ages the world has had barriers that were distinguished by different cultures and languages. Now, in the 21st century, people have the true and powerful advantage of Spanish to English Transcription Service. Translation has always been a difficult career, but now with the advancements in language services and technology, having the Spanish language translated to English or English to Spanish is easier and more accessible than ever before!

Translations can be useful in any number of situations - especially in the workforce or in the human services sector. Spanish to English translation services provide relief for businesses and government agencies when they really need it.

The language barriers that once separated both different nations and different populations have finally been bridged, and we should no longer feel separated just by a different native tongue. Without the language barrier, AKA globalization, the world has really opened up and global business is currently one of the most important and pervasive sectors in the global economy.

Now with language services, the world is more or less on the same page and everyone can finally communicate like never before. We truly live in a world that has evolved to the point there it can be considered a true global community. Scientists and language researchers have always sought after a means to bring forward complete globalization. What translation services provide is exactly what researchers have desired for so many years.

Without language translation services, populations, communities, agencies, and offices would struggle on a day-to-day basis - just to meet the basic needs for those who speak other languages. Bringing people together is a step forward in creating a global community and economy Tape Transcription.

This article was originally posted at http://ping.fm/IOJXm

Accurate Transcription Services for Video and Audio Files.

Getting a fast and accurate Transcription Service extremely important in business these days. An experienced transcriptionist will be able to cope with a number of factors when dealing with important sound or video files that need to be transcribed. Your transcriptionist should have numerous skills that go way above and beyond just being a fast typist.

Professional transcriptionists use a number of different skills to achieve an accurate and well presented transcript.

One of the hardest things that a transcriptionist will have to be able to handle is a poor quality audio or video file. Having to type a transcript from a poor quality audio or video requires specialist skills and patience. An audio file that has a lot of background noise, several people talking at the same time or a microphone that is too far away from the speaker can be tricky fo even the most experienced transcriptionist with the best trained ear. Using a decent pair of headphones can help tremendously, but the client should try to submit the best quality recording possible.

A professional transcriptionist is an excellent researcher. If you are involved in a particular industry, you should ask your transcription service to provide you with a transcriptionist that specialises in that field. Names of companies, people or new products need to be researched thoroughly and spellings should be checked. The client can help by including notes of difficult names and new products or companies in the comments box, when uploading their sound files.
The transcriptionist must be able to understand a variety of different accents, use good grammar and produce a transcript in the style that the client requires. The client should specify the style and the layout they require when submitting their Audio Transcription files.

Finally, transcriptionists should be able to complete transcripts quickly. On average, it takes a professional transcriptionist four hours to complete one hour of spoken word (dependant of the sound quality of the file). Clients often have strict deadlines to adhere to and these must be met. The combination of speed and reliability is essential to the in order to provide the client with perfect transcription services.

With the demand for accuracy and speed becoming more and more important for businesses, finding a professional and competent transcriptionist has become more important than ever. Small errors can cause big problems and transcripts should always be proofread thoroughly. Accuracy, reliability and speed are the foundation of any professional transcription service.


VA, DoD discuss steps toward iEHR, VLER

When Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric K. Shinseki met at the Pentagon earlier this week, EHRs was one of the topics on the table.

The meeting on Monday was one in a series the two secretaries have held on issues of common interest to both Departments.

"The vision Secretary Panetta and I share is to provide an integrated, seamless experience to our people across their lifetimes – from when they raise their hands to take the oath, to when they leave active service and join the Veteran ranks, to when they are laid to rest with final honors," Secretary Shinseki said. "Over the past three years, VA and DoD have made significant progress, but more work remains."

The lifetime record to which Secretary Shinseki referred is knows as VLER, as in the virtual lifetime electronic record, while iEHR is the EHR the deparments are jointly developing to integrate the DoD's ALTHA with the VA's VistA systems.

At the meeting Feb. 27, Panetta and Shinseki focused on five areas where the two departments have joined efforts: the disability evaluation system, electronic health records, transition programs, joint pharmacy initiatives, and recovery coordination for the wounded, ill, and injured.

Panetta and Shinseki discussed steps forward on electronic health records, noting that the Interagency Program Office established by the two departments to provide leadership in building the joint integrated electronic health records system now has new leadership.

The secretaries were also updated on development of the graphical user interface program, reporting that doctors at the James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center at North Chicago can now view both VA and DoD patient records simultaneously on a single monitor.

The Lovell Center is a first-of-its-kind partnership between VA and DoD to provide integrated care to service members and veterans in the same facility and has been a testing ground for the departments' efforts to deliver a fully integrated electronic health record for all service members and veterans.

Panetta and Shinseki are expected to meet again this May in Chicago to visit the Lovell Center and to review progress on deliverables the two departments have committed to achieve by the end of the year, including: a detailed implementation plan for the revised transition assistance program; spurring development of electronic transfer of patient files, to reduce both the processing and mailing costs incurred by paper transfer and disability evaluation processing times; and finalizing a contract for joint pharmacy capability at the Lovell Center